Croatian’s have been infected with a potent and crippling mind virus. What is that mind virus?
You have probably heard Elon Musk talk about the woke mind virus.
But what is a Mind Virus?
Virus of the Mind or mind virus may refer to a kind of meme. Most of us have heard and understand memes to be simple jokes that are viral on the internet like the Rick Astley bait and switch Rickrolled meme. In this meme one clicks on a seemingly unrelated link and a site with the music video loads instead of what was expected, and they have been “Rickrolled”.
However the word meme originated long before internet memes. The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. He proposed the idea that units of culture may act as a virus controlling some of the perceptions and actions of individuals.
So we have two definitions of memes
- 1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.
- 2. an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
I came across the concept of memes over 20 years ago reading marketing books, which was long before memes came into the collective conscious. They are a tool used not just by marketers but people who want to control public opinion and its the second definition that is the weaponized form of memes that I will go into here.
So what does a mind virus have to do with Croatia?
I need to explain the greater scheme of things before I go into the Croatian mind virus itself.
You most likely know of John D. Rockefeller who was an American business magnate and one of the wealthiest Americans of all time. He used his wealth and power through philanthropy to direct changes in education, medicine, higher education, and modernizing the Southern United States. I could go a lot into those changes especially medicine but it would take several posts and not just this one.
You most likely also know of John D. Rockefeller’s grandson David Rockefeller. David Rockefeller was an American economist and investment banker who served as chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation. He was the oldest living member of the third generation of the Rockefeller family, and family patriarch from 2004 until his death in 2017.
Throughout his life, David Rockefeller was accused of being part of an internationalist conspiracy seeking to undermine the interests of the United States and promote a more unified global order. One of Rockefeller’s most prominent accusers was Georgia Congressman Lawrence Patton McDonald, who in the 1975 book, The Rockefeller File, wrote:
The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.
In response to accusations of this type, David Rockefeller himself wrote in his 2003 book, Memoirs:
For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
And in another quote:
“The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
― David Rockefeller
So how does this connect to Croatia?
A bit less known Rockefeller you might not know is John Davison “Jay” Rockefeller IV a retired American politician who served as a United States senator from West Virginia (1985–2015) and is the great-grandson of oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller.
Krešimir Mišak host of HRT TV show Na rubu znanosti claimed he spoke to a politician from Zagreb that claimed former president Stipe Mešić was Rockefeller’s choice for Croatian President:
Jedan zagrebački političar nedavno mi je prepričao razgovor koji je prije više od deset godina vodio s Rockefellerom četvrtim. Kazao mu je tada da ima svog čovjeka koji će biti novi predsjednik Hrvatske. Nije se, međutim, mogao sjetiti imena budućeg predsjednika. Naš političar pokušao je pogoditi. Pitao je je li ovaj, je li onaj, na što je Rockefeller odmahivao glavom. I tek kada ga je upitao za Mesića, odgovorio je: Da, Mesić je taj. Nakon povratka u zemlju u čudu je čitao da Mesić ima svega dva posto glasova u anketama
My former employer, back when I worked for him, went into politics and became county president of HSLS political party. This was back in 2011 when Dražen Budiša returned to the political scene.
I have a contact who is a retired former political prisoner and friend of current presidential candidate Tomislav Jonjić. I speak to him often about the situation in Croatia and why things are the way they are. Since my former employer was going into politics I discussed with him what he thought. As Dražen Budiša was a political prisoner from the Croatian spring and my contact a journalist for the political prisoner magazine I suspect he had direct contact with Dražen or was privy to information from close sources.
He told me that they gave Budiša the information to knock Mesić out of the presidential race and Budiša did not use it. My former boss before he went into politics with Budiša said he asked Budiša some question before he was willing be in politics with him. I suspect the question was in relation to this information. Since my former boss didn’t tell me what that information was, I speculate that Budiša most likely had external pressure to not win the Presidential elections.
Now I can’t be totally sure but its most likely Stipe Mesić was a Rockefeller agent. That would now put this mind virus in context. In august of 2009 in the HRT evening news he created this mind virus
Mesić: Dijaspora sudjeluje u donošenju zakona, ali ne i u “liječenju” financija
…have been attributed to the inculcation of “healthy” memes to individuals
seeking therapy. If a therapist can intentionally and successfully introduce new memes to the
conscious self of the individual in the course of treatment, then it is conceivable that outside
memes may be introduced to the self unbidden and those memes could thereby act in a viral
fashion. .(Robertson, 2011)
In their study of the propagation of urban legends Heath, Bell and Sternberg (2001) found that memes that elicited disgust were more likely to be passed on to others irrespective of their truth content, than memes eliciting little emotion. From the subjects’ perspective they were choosing to share stories with a high emotional content. From the perspective of the meme, however, memetic clusters that carried the capacity to invoke an emotional response (in this case disgust) were more likely to be replicated than those that did not. Since it would be in the replicative interest of a mind virus to convince those infected that they are acting volitionally, self-reports of choice, particularly in the presence of strong emotion, are of limited value.
Whether this was a deliberately created Mind Virus or not, it had triple potency and total effect to cripple Croatia, 15 years later to this day. Why triple? We live in system that has indoctrinated us to listen to authority figures and this was the President of Croatia saying this. Second people trust media and the most authorative would be the HRT evening dnevnik which is the number 1 brainwashing program controlled by the government. Thirdly as in the quote above this was a mind virus that elicted disgust.
How powerful this mind virus is in the collective when you analyze that it isn’t even based on fact. Over 10 years ago I analysed elections and members of Croatian parliament to prove that the dijaspora has no say in anything but is instead sabotaged and given no voice.
Secondly who says democracy should be revoked from those that don’t pay taxes? Then pensioners shouldn’t vote either. Government workers should be excluded the right as their paid taxes are from the taxes we all pay.
Lets forget the argument it is illogical and not based in fact. There is something a lot more damaging at play here which is in essence one of the main reasons Croatia is where it is today. In marketing we position products. Positioning is not what you do with a product it instead is what you do to the mind of the prospect. You position the product in the mind of the prospect.
This mind virus has positioned the dijaspora as a problem in the mind of the Croatian citizen. People think that the dijaspora is to blame for HDZ being in power, when in reality it isn’t.
Im the president of one of the largest voting booths here in Gospić. While we are working I bring up various questions to see what members of each political party think on various issues and to stir the pot up a bit as Im not a member of any party. Unanimously they see the dijaspora as a problem and that their rights should be taken away.
Apart from taxes you also get the logic that those that don’t live here don’t know the issues here so they shouldn’t decide. But hangon 400.000 Croatians recently left because of the state of the country and now they should be denied their right to have a say in changing that? Also Croatians that live in a more normal system, wouldn’t they know how to vote to put the country in the right direction?
Whats even worse now I get people in the dijaspora parroting that they don’t vote because of these reasons. Instead of complaining about how the Serbs an ethnic minority has so much power in Croatia they are saying millions of Croatians should be not given a say as to the future of Croatia.
Reality is that the only prosperous way forward for Croatia is to totally integrate its Dijaspora in every way. However, we have a positioning in the brain that sees the dijaspora as the problem and not as it should be –
The Dijaspora really is THE ONLY TRUE SOLUTION for Croatia’s problems
The dijaspora has been sabotaged by the globalists, because the dijaspora is a potential obstacale to their plans.
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