We are where we are because we have failed to do what is necessary to change our situation –
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
I don’t have time to explain how we beat HDZ in Gospić and how it was supposedly the most impossible town to achieve such a thing.
To win in this game you have to use similar methods. So here is what you have to do –
I have here the form for collecting signatures for Tomislav Jonjić. It is hardly any work for you. All you have to do is print out how many copies you need and give them to patriotic neighbours and friends at work and get them to collect signatures and then return them to you in the next 3 days so they can be sent by post. Or maybe organized to be collected by someone from the udruga?
Its simple mathematics. If 200 of us actually gave the form to 5 people and they only get 5 signatures that would be 5000 signatures, half of the minimum required. The only reason these bastards are in power is because we are lazy to get off our arses and do simple things like this. If you want change then YOU have to start being that change!
Don’t think Jonjić will get them anyway. Why do you think HDZ has 70000 signatures for Primorac and is still going. Its a psychological thing they play at. Also you can’t stop at 10000 as there can be people who signed for two candidates or some other reason they are invalid so you need at least several thousand more to make sure.
Signature form – Jonjic Signatures
Instructions (word document) – JonjicInstructions
(Any text errors in instructions are mine as email failed and I had to scan the document from a printout. Will replace with originals tomorrow.)
You can be defeatist and say there is noone to vote for. However, if you read Tomislav Jonjić’s program you will see that he wants to return the Croatian sabor back to a Dvodomni system where Croatians outside Croatia will have 43 members and the ethnic minorities 8. As well as making a bigger Reaspora!
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