Why we need our own news portal

As we all know by 2030, if not sooner, Croatia is faced with the possibility of having 500000 migrant workers in its workforce. If this happens it is most likely going to be irreversible, we will be stuck with them.

There is likely only one thing that can stand in the way of this scenario… The Reaspora.


Croatia needs Croatians from the dijaspora to start returning in the tens of thousands. Some of the ones that left in the past 10 years will return of their own accord and have no problems settling as they are from here.

The ones that were born in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA are the hard ones to convince to return. However, they are the ones that would be most beneficial for Croatia because of knowledge and capital. There is some what of a will but fears seem to be in the way of people making that commitment. We need to show them that fear is often

F alse

E vidence

A ppearing

R eal

Many listen to relatives who were born here whinge about things. Reality though is if you have the capital many have in these countries then you arent going to be in the same position as these relatives that are whingeing. You will have to put up with the system etc but you if are smart you will be financially way better off. In fact if you are really smart you will live a life you couldn’t even have in the country you left (I’ll leave that for another post).

Like Dom said we need to reach out and get the message out there. We could get in touch with media and portals and get the message out. That takes time, building relationships with journalists and then going for coffees etc. Ive done all this as I worked in media as one of the many jobs I did while I was in IT here. Ive started News Portals, magazines etc and basically know all the journalists from all the major media here in this county (Lika Senj).

Also if you are getting the message out through different types of media you will be competing with all the noise from all the other articles. You wont be able to control when and how long your message is out there for.

If we had our own portal then we would cut out all those meetings, interviews etc and control when and how news are released.

But then you say our reach would be less. True. But Ive worked in media, all the big media track what is going on in the smaller media so that they can get to all local news first. Ive had news from small sites go national many times. We just need interesting news and we will get reach.

We have over 200 of us, many with unique stories that would make great articles. From basic living information to running business’s with 50+ people.

Also instead of people accidently coming accross Mario Jakus on twitter and getting help from him they will be reading his articles.

I know its going to take more than 1 article to convince you and people nowadays can’t read more than a few paragraphs so I’ll stop here.



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